Friday, May 25, 2012

Philippines SY 2013 Starts on June 4

May is Ending therefore if you are schooling this year, this is for you.
The coming school year (SY 2013) will start on June 4, 2013 and will end on March 22, 2013.

This will then include the 180 days to be used for non-negotiable teacher-pupils/students contact time and the five days In-Service Training (INSET) break and parent-teacher conference, he said.

Private schools, may deviate from the School Calendar, as long as they will not start their classes earlier than June 4, 2012 and not later than the last day of August, this year, as provided in Republic Act (RA) No. 7797 entitled “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from 200 Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty-Two (220) Class Days.”

Schools may also observe national and local celebrations/activities and holidays, provided that the total number of school days is maintained and make-up classes shall be conducted to compensate for the school days spent for such activities.

Meanwhile, Secretary Luistro, per DepEd Order No. 26, series of 2012, has issued the following guidelines for the schools to conduct in preparation for the opening of classes for SY 2012-2013: early registration of pupils/students in the schools where they wish to study held last Jan. 29; and National Schools Maintenance Week (Brigada Eskwela) on May 21-26, to enable the community and the school to prepared their facilities and In-Service Training (INSET) activities to be held a week before the opening of classes.

Likewise, as part of the opening rites, all schools are expected to conduct a general assembly for the purpose of orienting stakeholders on the curriculum and co-curricular programs and ancillary services lined-up for the year in support of learner development and continuous improvement of school outcomes.

For the secondary level, the general orientation shall include a career exposure program for the first- to third-year students to acquaint them with the various career pathways, which they wish to pursue.

For the fourth-year students, schools are encouraged to conduct Career Guidance Program in preparation for the careers or courses they prefer to pursue after high school.

On the other hand, the school year will be divided into four quarters: 52 days each for the 1st and 2nd quarters and 50 days and 46 days, for the 3rd and 4th quarters, respectively.

A mid-term break will be observed at the end of the 2nd quarter to appraise individual-teachers and their collective performance, and on this basis, conduct INSET activities, in support of continuing professional development.

Christmas break, as indicated in the school calendar, will begin on December 22, Saturday, and classes will resume on January 3, 2013, Monday.

Summer classes will begin on April 15, 2013, and ends on May 27, 2013, which is the last day for the final examination.

It shall consist of a three-hour daily sessions per subject area from Monday to Saturday for 36 days, exclusive of May 1, which is a legal holiday. (PIA-10 Mis. Occ.)

By the Way, Done shopping for School Supplies? Click here if you need a checklist.
Don't you know that you can get discounted products from DTI's Diskwento Caravan? They visits different areas, Click HERE to find out when it is Coming to your town.

Have fun !!


apple said...

School year will start again. Kids and student must also prepare for this coming rainy season cause we don't know how strong and how powerful those typhoons that will enter to us.

Weather Philippines

Hiraia for Bux.To said...

True.. Lets hope that the rainy season dont bring us floods just like last year when so many died..

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