Monday, October 8, 2012

Bake and Churn's Mango Madness Melted

Last Friday was my mom's birthday and i finally redeem my Bake and Churn ice cream cake from Megamall, my last voucher from the 3 pieces i bought a few months ago.
This is a good deal, you get a 400php voucher for 200php only applicable to limited flavor of dome cakes. A few months back i blogged about my Bake and Churn experience HERE. And last month i tried a new flavor and blogged about my experience also HERE..
So the lessons i learned from the two purchases are the following
  1. dont buy the cake if you cant have it frozen when you eat it, because it is extremely sweet specially if it already looks overly sweet and you eat it nearly melting.You may research the ingredients from website, for bake and churn, their website is nice to have all the ingredients enumerated for each cake. 
  2.  if you dont have a car dont commute with an ice cream cake. Generally to travel with anything too bulky and delicate is a pain, what more if you are racing with the time and comcern about the heat?Ice cream cakes dont taste good when its melted, or when it is even nearly melting.
Moving on, ive applied the two lessons i learned last friday, after all i wanted the cake to look nice for my mother. From Megamall to Binan Laguna I hitched a ride with the neighbor's car working in San Miguel, but traffic was heavy i was home by 8:15 when i left the office at 6:00 and i had my cake by 6:30.

Much to my dismay this is how my cake looked like when i opened the box.

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As you see in the picture, one side of the cake has already fallen, the ice cream outside melted already, its not even 3 hours, and to think they promised that the cake wont melt upto 4 hours. But it maybe a case by case basis.
My first experience with Bake and Churn was the Rocky Road. The side of the rocky Road is fence by chocolate chips, when you buy from the shops a whole cake, it has some acetate keeping the fences intact, therefore, it may possibly last longer compared to other cakes without that acetate.

I may not have evidence that shows that its already past 8 at night but there is also no reason for me to slander. THIS IS A REVIEW. This will help buyers to decide what to buy in the future.

And if you ask me about the taste, i don't find it too sweet like the Black Forest, but it is also not as nice as the Rocky Road, But it is Bake and Churn, It's delicious as ever.


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